
Shenzhen Allen Eden Culture Development Co Ltd
中国 广东 PR China Guangdong


展品分类:木吉他和拨弦乐器 / 电声乐器 / 乐器配件
Fretted & Stringed instruments / Electronics & electric instruments / Accessories & furniture
艾伦易登乐器公司,Allen Eden (AE) 是中国知名乐器品牌进口商、代理商、制造商,旗下代理Tagima、Fishman、Godin、Supro、Seagull、G7th、Aguda、Real Mission、Wambooka、Veelah等知名品牌,分销渠道覆盖全国。
Allen Eden (AE) is a famous Chinese importer, agent and manufacturer of Musical Instruments. We agents Tagima, Fishman, Godin, Supro, Seagull, G7th, Aguda, Real Mission, Wambooka, Veelah and other brands, distribution channels covering the whole country.

品牌 Brand

Tagima, Fishman, Godin, Supro, Seagull, G7th, Aguda, Real Mission, Wambooka, Veelah

电话 Tel:+86 755 22918996
传真 Fax:+86 755 22918996
网址 Website: www.alleneden.com
地址: 中国广东省深圳市南山区大新时代大厦1001室
Address: Room 1001, Da Xin Shi Dai Building, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000, PR China