CORUSS bow hair

CORUSS bow hair
法国 France


展品分类:民族乐器和传统乐器 / 提琴、琴弓和拉弦乐器
Traditional instruments & Chinese instruments / Bowed & Stringed instruments
新一代合成弓毛、松香和弓。 在寻求替代方案的过程中,我们研究、测试和开发了一种新型的高性能弓毛,这种弓毛的来源符合道德规范且可持续。这就是Coruss最初的诞生。
The new generation of synthetic bow hair, rosin and bows. In our pursuit of an alternative, we researched, tested and developed a new type of top-performing bow hair which would also be ethically-sourced and sustainable. This is how Coruss bow hair first

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Address: 84 Av De Baiolvilla, Muret 31600, France