
Huizhou Yuezhiyuan Musical Instrument Accessories Co Ltd
中国 广东 PR China Guangdong


展品分类:民族乐器和传统乐器 / 铜管乐器 / 提琴、琴弓和拉弦乐器 / 木吉他和拨弦乐器 / 打击乐器 / 木管乐器 / 钢琴和键盘乐器 / 电声乐器 / 乐器配件 / 手风琴和口琴
Traditional instruments & Chinese instruments / Brass instruments / Bowed & Stringed instruments / Fretted & Stringed instruments / Percussion instruments / Woodwind instruments / Pianos & keyboards /
We are the professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design, development and production of various kinds of musical instrument and accessories (pick, tuner and audio etc).

品牌 Brand

电话 Tel:+86 752 3333659
传真 Fax:+86 752 3333659
网址 Website: www.yzypickup.com
地址: 中国广东省惠州市惠阳区秋长镇长鑫中路6号
Address: No. 6 Changxinzhong Road, Qiuchang, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong 516211, PR China