
Hubei Jinhong Musical Instrument Co Ltd
中国 湖北 PR China Hubei


Fretted & Stringed instruments
Gomera(戈梅拉)古典吉他,创于1979年,源于西班牙La Gomera岛,传承了西班牙浓郁的吉普赛文化,孕育了西班牙人能歌善舞的民族个性,又培育出浪漫曲(罗曼斯)和“田园歌”(维良西科)的古典吉他音乐。
Gomera Classical Guitar was made in La Gomera, a beautiful Spanish island, in 1979. The guitar inherits strong Gypsy culture and cultivates Spanish personality of singing and dancing, which results in such classical guitar music as Romance and Pastoral so

品牌 Brand

Gomera 戈梅拉

电话 Tel:+86 18689279965
传真 Fax:
网址 Website: www.gomeraguitars.com
地址: 中国湖北省荆州市松滋市新江口街道城东工业园永兴大道35号2号楼
Address: 2nd Building, No.35 Yongxing Avenue, Chengdong Industrial Park, Xinjiangkou Street, Songzi, Jingzhou, Hubei 434299, PR China